kota stone price

kota stone price

Kota Stone Price is very low than other blue flooring stone so kota stone is used in many projects in india and abroad,kota stone is a fine-grained variety of Limestone mainly used for exteriors, corridors, pathways, driveways, balconies,commercial buildings etc.  Colors available – greenish blue, brown, black, pink, grey, beige color.

kota stone flooring price

In a new construction, the flooring is raw and hence there is no need to break the flooring into pieces. On raw flooring, one has to put a 2 inches thick paste of Crushed Sand and Cement in the ratio of 7:1, hence for laying a 200 Sq. Ft. Flooring, 14 flagons of crushed sand and 2 flagons of cement are used.


Kota stone price

kota stone price or kota stone Ratedepend on size,thickness & finishing,in case of an old construction also, there is no need to break the existing floor. Floor is laid just after applying the mixture of Crushed sand and Cement in the ratio 5:1; hence use of 10 flagons of crushed sand and 2 flagons of cement is enough to maintain the thickness around 1.5 Inches.the next step is to lay the slabs on  the floor. All the pieces are to be set equally height-wise – a wooden tool is popularly used to align it well. The skirting is installed the next day.

Green kotah stone rate in kota Rajasthan,Naksh Stone offers best rate of green kota pathar price depend at size, thickness & quality,top surface is high polished bottom is rough/natural,we sale green kota stone in basic rates but following extra charges 


  • Loading- 150/-tone
  • Gst – 5%
  • Minimum quantity order- 6000sq.ft.
  • Transportation extra depend at distance
  • Uses- flooring & wall cladding
  • One color quarntee
  • Easy to clean 


Kota Stone competes in the market for longer durability.  Its maximum sizes are around 240 cm in length and 75 cm in width. This is due to the physical properties–the brittleness of limestone. Since it is limestone it is not resistant to acid and alkali.


  • Tough Stone
  • Non- water absorbent
  • Non-slip flooring
  • Non-porous Nature
  • Easy to Cut in Any Size
  • Affordable prices compared to Marble

Kota Stone is very beneficial stone for flooring and flooring Interior purpose. This Polished stone is tough and easy to adjust in any size of flooring. We are major supplier of Kota Stone. We supply kota Stone in homes, Offices and commercial malls for flooring purpose.


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